Monday, August 31, 2009

Windows 7 – restore previous versions

  • Today I was trying to re-jig a spreadsheet when I decided to scrap the idea and roll the file back to a previous version using SharePoint’s version control, as I discovered I hadn’t enabled version control!
  • I then remembered that Windows 7 has Shadow Copy enabled as a service


  • Just right-click on any folder or file and choose restore previous versions


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server - Connecting People, Process, and Information


Microsoft Office SharePoint Server - Connecting People, Process, and Information

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Instructables – foamy glider

  • I was just catching up on my twitter traffic from Lance Armstrong as he is due over here in Ireland this week. I followed a link off to a fellow brit cycling around the world in aid of Parkinson's disease research and from there to a very funny website that instructs you on things like how to make your own arc-welder (don’t do this at home kids!) fabricated out of an old microwave oven no less (sic)
  • Here is funny video somebody made of a foam glider – the guys sounds like he is wearing clogs :-)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Gecko - biomimicry

  • Robert Full – well he is big :-) Show’s off a robotically engineered gecko that mimics the stiction ability of the gecko’s feet via nano-hooks that are so small you need to put a high-powered microscope to them. Stanford edu and co have reverse engineered the gecko’s feet
  • More interestingly, they slow-mowed a gecko in flight in a wind tunnel (sic) and discovered in can use its tail to fly! They also showed in a real-world setting how a gecko can use it’s tail to direct its path when jumping from tree to tree

Friday, August 14, 2009

Intel and Micron team up for smaller, denser flash | IT PRO


  • Interesting post from ITPro on Intel’s 34nm (nanometer) NAND (not- AND) silicon fabrication for solid-state flash hard drives. So the age of clunky old hard drives is surely at its end. The question remains, just how many read-writes and a flash drive take?
  • See Intel’s article for more

First Chrome, now Gazelle!

Get Microsoft Silverlight
  • Dudes I just can’t keep up! Arf, joking right, I mean the web moves fast and you just have to go with the flow. I like Chrome a lot because of its speed and simplicity
  • So Gazelle, should maybe jump the competition.. fast and sleek, lightweight and agile :-)