Sunday, June 05, 2005

CO2 Max

June seems awfully cold for this time of year and if the North Atlantic Conveyor is the culprit, then we're all in for some hard yards over the next couple of years.

Having watched The Day After Tomorrow flick and examined the science behind the film, you have to begin to wonder if there's any point in trying to help out the environment by easing up the throttle and cutting down your journeys to all but the essential, i.e. game over guys, the ice man commeth.

The stats look stark. If you read a couple of these links then you'll start to get a better understanding of where we're heading. Where you choose to live in the next few years could have a direct impact on your prosperity and hopefully not, your survival chances.

Britain faces big chill as ocean current slows,,2087-1602579,00.html

Ocean Forces Threaten Our Climate
Powerful forces beneath the ocean waves may wreak havoc on our climate, driven by global warming
John Gribbin

Add to that the CO2 max situation in the sea, whereby shellfish are unable to grow shells due to carbonic acid and are migrating to southern seas, you start to get the big picture. If you take a mollusk from a southern ocean and transplant it to the north, its shell begins to dissolve (sic). Frankly we're environmentally bankrupt and even if we do put the break pedals on now, the next world war is going to be fairly and squarely targeted at us. Wars against nations for oil will pale by comparison to the environmental war scaled against wee humans. I believe a new age of cooperation and collaboration will be needed on a grand scale to salvage what (environmentally) is left and begin to recover the damage done.

Ocean CO2 may 'harm marine life

Nearly 50% of the carbon dioxide that humans have pumped into the atmosphere over the last 200 years has been absorbed by the sea, scientists say.

The above is based on last years UNESCO International Science Symposium, Paris

As a footnote, I picked up on BHP Billiton, the worlds biggest diversified mining company taking up 55.4% of WMC Resources, now owning up to a third of the worlds uranium reserves. If fossil fuels become largely restricted especially for heating, then sadly uranium may be only CO2 friendly alternative..